Monday, January 16, 2012

Divine Appointment

Divine appointment. 

What does that mean?

I asked myself that same question. I wasn't sure that I understood it the first time I heard the words. Its not something you hear everyday. I believe that there is a purpose for all the different things that happen to us, whether they may be good or bad. Positive or negative, it still serves a purpose and becomes part of a series of events that help us unlock something in our lives.

I find that when we think about something constantly in our mind, it could be something that we truly want and desire, that God or the Source of all that is does hear our prayers. I know this in my heart that we are always connected to God. It doesn't matter if you're religious or not, or what you believe in. But everyone in this world does believe in some kind of higher being and we know somewhere deep down within our soul that there is a divine presence in our lives.

One example that I recently experienced, a breakup from a recent relationship. I'm not going to go into details, let's just say that after it ended I was obviously hurt from all the emotional stuff. But it really got me thinking about all the things that I wanted in a relationship, all the things that I didn't want to compromise. I decided that I wanted to experience being in a relationship with someone who met me halfway and treated me as their equal. A balanced, serious and deep committed relationship. This is what I wanted for myself all along. I think as humans we naturally want to be in a relationship and a marriage even. There's no shame in saying what you want, own it! I want to settle down and be married someday soon!

So here I was a month and a half ago, recently broken up from a previous relationship that didn't seem to have a future. I decided that I wanted to be happy at that point, with somebody that deserved me and vice versa. Somebody who wanted the same things as I did. And as soon as I made that decision, my dreams became really intense! They showed me exactly what my unconscious desires were! I had a dream that I was in a new relationship with somebody and he told me that he loved me and that I loved him back, and I was happy! And in that same dream my ex-boyfriend showed up and I could see him from afar and only that he looked upset and miserable working on some production set. Dreams are tricky! This dream was a few days before I left for San Diego for the holidays, a week before Christmas  I traveled through Chicago on a connecting flight. This is where I experienced a Divine Appointment.

I sat waiting at the airport for two hours for my flight to San Diego and I sat next to this lovely older woman. We had made small talk about where we were from and really had an enjoyable conversation together. I had talked about my recent move to New York and told her all the things that I wanted for my career path. All the things that I hope to do this year in exploring my creativity and art, and also finishing my last year in Grad School online. She had revealed to me that she was working on her Chaplain's license. I had no idea what that was, but for the rest of us who may not know what that is-- it's a minister who works with grief counseling with families and individuals who pass away.

Just as it was time for her to board her flight, she wanted to do a small prayer of blessings. I hadn't informed her of any of my dating histories, nor did she ask if I was in a relationship, which I had no recollection of mentioning. The first thing she said in the prayer was that she hoped that I find the husband that I was looking for, that this person would be able to adapt and go with me where ever I wanted to go, intuitively she had picked up on my restless, creative, and adventurous side. (Someone that could keep up with me mentally and emotionally) And then she also said a few prayers about my career and she hoped that I would find a job that I truly enjoyed soon. Then it was over.

I asked her afterwards how she knew that I had been thinking about a relationship and wanting to be married someday soon and how I had been thinking the same thing the past few days. And that's when she said, "Divine appointment." She gave me a hug when she left and I thanked her. I soon realized after she left me there standing that God had heard my prayers and used her as a Channel to let me know that he had heard my prayers as a confirmation. That He pre-arranged this meeting and I was destined to meet this lady. Wow. The whole experience was magical. It made me feel again that things were possible through faith. We must have faith and believe in our hearts what we want in our lives will and can happen. And know that things will come together when they are ready to. I felt my heart expand that day and I felt as if nothing could ever hurt me again.

Have you ever had any Divine Appointments in your life? I'd love to hear it!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

John Cassavetes Quote

I've been exploring the idea of wanting, what I want, what do people want... hmmm. And I found this really cool quote!

“Most people don't know what they want or feel. And for everyone, myself included, It's very difficult to say what you mean when what you mean is painful. The most difficult thing in the world is to reveal yourself, to express what you have to... As an artist, I feel that we must try many things - but above all, we must dare to fail. You must have the courage to be bad - to be willing to risk everything to really express it all.” 

― John Cassavetes