Sunday, May 6, 2012

Global Soul

I love this quote from travel writer Pico Iyer, he wrote a book called The Global Soul: Jet Lag, Shopping Malls, and the Search for Home.

"The hope of a Global Soul, always, is that he can make the collection of his selves something greater than the whole; that diversity can leave him not a dissonance but a higher symphony."

I was reading an excerpt from this book for my Crossing Borders class and the topic of discussion this week was to discuss what "Home" meant for each of us. I define "Home" as being peaceful within and truly being happy wherever you are. I admit I still feel a bitter sweetness about California. I miss living in San Francisco, I miss all my friends and especially my family. But I am also glad that I am meeting so many like minded individuals out here in New York and really glad that there are others who are also on a similar path creatively and professionally. 

Since the beginning of time there have been massive migrations globally. People leaving their homeland to find more opportunities elsewhere for economic reasons. I know that's why I left California, in search of better opportunities professionally and also to meet others in the creative field. A good portion of the U.S. population is originally from a lot of different parts of the world and I know that many people also move to America for various reasons. It's become increasingly easy to move to a different place now because of technology. The advent of the internet has made it easier for people to travel and look for work elsewhere other than their homeland. 

I am a firm believer that you create your own world and CAN CHOOSE to have a positive or negative experience. It's often a lonely journey being independent and wanting to see the world and all it can offer you. Its most often the experience that makes us who we are and sometimes we have to come out of our comfort zone to experience a new way of living to help us see and understand the world around us. The more we grow and expand, our awareness also grows within us. But I think it doesn't really matter where you end up living or making a home. In the end you have to be happy and choosing to own your happiness will bring you closer to home. Sometimes we have to seek the answers within to know what we truly want. 


  1. I enjoyed reading this. "Perfect timing", says the currently homeless soul.

  2. You're not homeless, you just need to do a little soul searching within. I miss you can't wait to see you when I visit!
